SUMMER IS COMING! …and every parent silently screams “what are we going to do all day?”! A year ago that phrase would have only meant a little more time spent outdoors, splash pad playdates and putting water in the sand table. I taught pre-k for 7 years, I survived the quarantine with little kids….my toddler-activity-game was STRONG! Now that both kids have been in school (in person) for the past year my “activity” muscle has atrophied and I’m wiggin’ out just a little.
In years past I’ve searched Pinterest for a list of summer activities and I’ve come up frustrated because most lists were not geared towards kids under 5. The other problem with most lists is that they were just…lists. Activity after activity after activity, it was so hard to follow.
So, this year I created my own list to jumpstart our creative juices and beat the summer boredom.

Go ahead and download it below! I would love to hear from you and which activities you had the most fun with!!!!